significant legislation of the kind one finds in the UK 2. General approaches to statutory interpretation “The general approach to statutory interpretation is today not in doubt.”12 In R. (Quintaville) v. Secretary of State for Health Lord Bingham said:13 “The basic task of the court is to ascertain and give effect to the true


av A Bergh · 2020 · Citerat av 9 — are encountered with the standard interpretation of the compensation social and cultural contexts in explaining the UK's EU referendum vote. is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will 

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Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation. Some amount of interpretation is often necessary when a case involves a statute . Sometimes the words of a statute have a plain and a straightforward meaning. English law approach to statutory interpretation reflected an acceptance of the desirability and legitimacy of political controls through Parliament over political power and a faith in customary conventions as stabilisers for the exercise of that Statutory Interpretation. Many statutes are passed by parliament each year.

a contrario interpretation; Förarbeten till lag. legislative history to an act.

This article focusses on an intervention-style study in which UK-based 16- to somatic cell nuclear transfer; statutory interpretation; student engagement.

2007) Legislative Intent These questions are on AS level Statutory interpretation, and cover UK Law. Average score for this quiz is 5 / 10.Difficulty: Tough.Played 282 times. As of Apr 10 21 This book analyzes statutory and common law interpretation and compares the two.

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Aug 15, 2016, archived at 1522. Page 5. MISREADING LIKE A LAWYER tent to destroy, in 

The cookies on help do two things: they remember any settings you've chosen so you don't have to choose them on every page, and they help  17 aug. 2003 — “Analogia legis. Analogy from Statutes in Continental Law,” in Le raisonnement Book review: Jim Evans, Statutory Interpretation.

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Do you know what the literal rule is? Do you know when the golden rule is applied? Do you know what is considered under the mischief rule or where the purposive approach comes from? How do the courts decide which rule of statutory interpretation to apply? In my last blog post, we looked at what statutory interpretation is and how judges use it in the UK. This time, we will be considering what the advantages of it are and how it can help to keep the justice system working smoothly, as well as being fair and just.

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The problem of statutory interpretation is framed as one of weighing contested interpretations as pro and con arguments. The paper builds an interpretation procedure by formulating a set of argumentation schemes that can be used to comparatively evaluate the types of arguments used in cases of contested statutory interpretation in law.

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(2007, pvi) During the previous thirty years the principles of statutory interpretation have been subject to something of an evolution. As noted by Geddes (2005, p6): 1. This approach is reflected in both the common law of statutory interpretation and in s.15AA of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth). 2. See, for instance, CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd (1997) 187 CLR 384, at 408; Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority (1998) 194 CLR 355, at 384. 2013-06-03 · Mark Aronson: Statutory Interpretation or Judicial Disobedience? In Australia as in England, courts began “reading down” legislative grants of broad and seemingly unfettered discretionary power long before the currently fashionable “principle of legality” entered the public lawyer’s lexicon.