According to the 1951 census conducted by the Government of Pakistan, West Pakistan had 1.6% Hindu population, while East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) had 22.05%. [5] According to the 1998 census conducted by the Government of Pakistan, Hindus made up 1.85% of the population and Christians (Protestant and Roman Catholic) 1.59%, or around 3.2million people. [20]


Christian Klement: Crime among Outlaw Bikers in Denmark . av innvandrere er andelen siktede høyest for Marokko, Latin Amerika, og Pakistan. statistics. A local police station in the metropolitan area had drawn up statistics on the number 

Numera råder starka religiösa motsättningar i samhället, dels mellan shia- och sunnimuslimer, dels mellan fundamentalister och mer toleranta riktningar. De andra är shiamuslimer (10-20%), ahmadiyyamuslimer (2,3%) och andra grupper som sufier och quranism (quraniyoon) existerar också. Pakistan har även en icke-muslimsk befolkning, bestående bland annat av kristna, animister i det nordligaste delarna, Bahá'í, parser, judar, zoroastrier och kalash religion. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan after Islam. According to the last 2017 Pakistan Census, Hindus made up 2.14% of Pakistan's population, although the Pakistan Hindu Council claims there are around 8 million Hindus currently living in Pakistan, comprising 4% of the Pakistani population, and other official data estimates there are 7.5 Million Hindus in Pakistan. 2020-08-16 · Religion of Pakistan. Almost all of the people of Pakistan are Muslims or at least follow Islamic traditions, and Islamic ideals and practices suffuse virtually all parts of Pakistani life.

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Mali. Tajikistan. Cuba. Haiti. Chad. Pakistan. rily coerced--religion for the Spaniards, Poland, Pakistan and Norway – cor- Fig 2 The graph shows the percentage of non-Danish inhabitants in the three  In contrast, 29 percent of all other religious groups say it is sinful and 51 percent say it is not.

Pakistan Religion, Economy and Politics In the year 1984, the life expectancy of a Pakistani citizen was only at 56.9 years. As of the year 2002, the life expectancy has jumped up to 63 years of age.

Islam > Percentage Muslim: Percent of Muslims in each country. Major religion(s): Country major religions. Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population: Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2014 Pew Report.

Islam is the state religion and main religion of Pakistan, observed by 96.03% of the population. Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population: Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2014 Pew Report.

Pakistan religion percentage


According to the last 2017 Pakistan Census, Hindus made up 2.14% of Pakistan's population, although the Pakistan Hindu Council claims there are around 8 million Hindus currently living in Pakistan, comprising 4% of the Pakistani population, and other official data estimates there are 7.5 Million Hindus in Pakistan. 2020-08-16 · Religion of Pakistan. Almost all of the people of Pakistan are Muslims or at least follow Islamic traditions, and Islamic ideals and practices suffuse virtually all parts of Pakistani life.

There are also significant numbers of Shīʿite Muslims. Explore the latest news and statistics on religion in Pakistan, including demographics, restrictions and more. Pakistan is founded for the Muslims so they can follow their religion freely. We got Pakistan in the name of Islam. So there were no religion before Islam. The official religion was, is and Insha Allah will be only Islam. I appreciate you taking interest in Pakistan.
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Almost half of Pakistan’s history as a modern nation has seen military rule. In analysing the status of Pakistan’s religious minorities, this report details the challenges they face as citizens.

The attacks, on their residential areas and places of worship, Fredagsbønn i Makhabad Khan-moskeen i Peshawar. Pakistan er en islamsk stat med islamsk rettsvesen og bankvesen. Fra minaretene ropes de troende til bønn fem ganger daglig. Bildet er hentet fra papirleksikonet Store norske leksikon, utgitt 2005-2007.
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Percent yes Religious upbringingYes No Total N Gamma Sig. with two Danish parents and pupils with an ethnicbackground in the Middle East or Pakistan.

But there are people of many other religions living in Pakistan. The Badshahi Mosque, Lahore - The largest mosque of the Mughal Empire. Religion in Pakistan. Faiths.

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av AB Yeung · 2006 · Citerat av 5 — Welfare and Religion in a European perspective (WREP) is a research project study- ing the function of gender patterns. In late modern secularised Europe the role of the majority churches differs consid- ground from Pakistan. Both groups 

2. 1. 3. Iran.