YVES LASZLO AND MARTIN OLSSON. Abstract. In this paper I (Luminy, 1981) , Astérisque 100, Soc. Math. France, Paris (1982), 5–171. [6] Kai A. Behrend, 


Jan 13, 2021 Martin Olsson, Algebraic Spaces and Stacks; Vistoli, Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory (available 

Moduli Spaces of Semistable Sheaves on Projective Deligne-Mumford Stacks. 2008. arXiv: arXiv:0811.1949 [math-AG]. [Ols03] Martin C. Olsson. “Logarithmic geometry and algebraic stacks”. 2 YVES LASZLO AND MARTIN OLSSON category of perverse sheaves we see that for two objects V and W the groups Exti D (V,W) are zero for all i > 0. On the other hand, we have H2i(X,Q l) 6= 0 for all i ≥0.

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In Spring 2007, Martin Olsson taught “Math 274—Topics in Algebra—Stacks” at UC Berkeley. Anton Geraschenko LATEXed these notes in class,1and edited them with other people in the class. They still get modified sometimes.

[20] C. Serpét  Jan 2, 2021 https://sites.math.washington.edu/~jarod/math582C.html I'm going to attend, and I think this course could be as influential as Martin Olsson's  Mar 12, 2007 Your documents are now available to view. ×.

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American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications Volume 62 Algebraic Spaces and Stacks Martin Olsson American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island

This course systematically develops the theory of algebraic spaces before  Feb 3, 2020 This thesis also owes a huge mathematical debt to Martin Olsson, who spent lots of time teaching me about algebraic stacks and deformation  Jan 13, 2021 Martin Olsson, Algebraic Spaces and Stacks; Vistoli, Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory (available  Martin Olsson · Joseph Ayoub · Theo Johnson-Freyd · Mohamed Karmous and Moez Khenissi · Thierry Goudon  Martin Olsson. Contact me: The best way to reach me is to email me at martinolsson[at]university-name[dot]edu (my old math account also forwards all mail here)  Abramovich, Dan ; Olsson, Martin ; Vistoli, Angelo Schémas en groupes, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 151, 152 and 153, Springer-Verlag, 1970 | MR 274458  Tame stacks in positive characteristic. Dan Abramovich; Martin Olsson; Angelo Vistoli. [1] Brown University Department of Mathematics Box 1917 Providence,  in Pure Mathematics) (9781470435776): Tommaso De Fernex, Tommaso De Fernex;Brendan Hassett;Mircea Mustata;Martin Olsson;Mihnea Popa: Books. These are my notes from UC Berkeley Math 274, Algebraic Spaces and Stacks, taught by professor Martin Olsson in Spring 2007. TeX. 21 contributions in the last  YVES LASZLO AND MARTIN OLSSON. Abstract.