Not only is the character Egg Fu one of the most offensive in all of comic book history, it also has one of the most amazing mustaches ever drawn! The thing about this gigantic, villainous egg's mustache that makes it particularly special isn't the beautifully-rendered Fu Manchu, it's that his mustache is prehensile!


Omni-Man is the father of Invincible and a member of Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess superhuman strength, super speed, virtual immortality, and flight. As is customary for male Viltrumites, Omni-Man sports a large moustache. In 2009, Omni-Man was ranked as IGN's 93rd-greatest comic book villain of all

It's so they don't have to explain in the epilogue how he willingly shaves but rather how he's incapable of growing a thick Viltrumite mustache because of his asian … Voiced by. Seth Rogen. Allen the Alien is a member of the alien race, the Unopians. Allen was born in an Unopian breeding camp.

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for about eight years, we never saw much of his parents. In fact, we only got one glimpse of his mom's arm. So I … 2019-04-02 01.06.2018 - Invincible Volume 14: The Viltrumite War (9781607063674): Kirkman, Robert, Ottley, Ryan: Books New Comics. Forums. Gen. Discussion; Bug Reporting; Delete/Combine Pages 2009-04-21 2013-05-01 Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Invincible Volume 14: The Viltrumite War at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Sep 17, 2020 - Explore Mike Ray's board "Ryan Otley" on Pinterest.

Stalin and his crew. Chuck Norris.

ripping the beard off his face) to show his Viltrumite mustache in a pretty hilarious, Emperor of the Viltrumite Empire, explains that he has foregone this tradition 

Omni-Man is the father of Invincible and a member of Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess superhuman strength, super speed, virtual immortality, and flight. As is customary for male Viltrumites, Omni-Man sports a large moustache. In 2009, Omni-Man was ranked as IGN's 93rd-greatest comic book villain of all Jan 27, 2014 - EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW! We return to Earth after the brief space interlude involving Nolan and Allen the Alien but is it the Earth we knew?! What changes have taken place?

Viltrumite mustache

and a member of Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who As is customary for male Viltrumites, Omni-Man sports a large moustache.

He then comes upon Earth, where the people all look more like Viltrumites than does any other species we've seen.

This could apply to all the Britons from 'Asterix in Britanny' : they all have beautiful mustaches and are all badasses. Most of the Gauls have mustaches.
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When she hears a Viltrumite bested her father she promises to wipe out the Viltrumites or die trying.

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Omni-Man made it all the way to number 93 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of all time. Check out who made it to number 1!

Stalin and his crew. Chuck Norris.

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Omni-Man est le père de Invincible et membre de la race Viltrumite , une espèce pour les hommes Viltrumites, Omni-Man arbore une grosse moustache .

Sporting a baller handle bar mustache, black Steton hat, and dark polished boots. Birth time and place: 16th of July 1838 in Crawford County, Arkansas Day and place of death: January of 1910, in Muskogee, Oklahoma Occupations: ( Formerly a slave and Confederate soldier ) A Marshall cowboy, bounty hunter, gunman, and later on a police chief Interest I’m not sure if you’ve heard about this (some of our staff hadn’t), but November is no longer November. No sir, it’s actually MOvember, a month in which people grow mustaches for charity (whether or not that makes any sense is not the point of this article), and to celebrate this month of ironic ‘staches and genuine impressive facial hair growth, we have a top ten list of the best Haggar of Steel. Quick Jump Gaming Forum Gaming Hangouts EtcetEra Forum EtcetEra Hangouts Trending Threads Latest Threads Watched threads Just when you think that no Viltrumite comes more vicious than Conquest - and his death (re)match with Invincible seems to substantiate this - along comes the current Viltrumite regent, Thragg. Thragg - who could pass as Freddy Mercury's clone, p0rn mustache and all - was bred to be the mightiest and most ferocious of all Viltrumites. Being a Viltrumite, Thragg possesses an immense amount of superhuman strength, even above those of a normal Viltrumite. As Viltrumites grow older, they grow stronger.