Diversification definition is - the act or process of diversifying something or of becoming diversified : an increase in the variety or diversity of something. How to use diversification in a sentence.



di·ver·si·fied, di·ver·si·fy·ing, di·ver·si·fies v.tr. 1. a. To give variety to; vary: diversify a menu.

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generate additional income sources through diversification of the offer of short and long-term forecasts on the basis of the means of production used. capitalist farmers etc. (Shanin, 1988; 1990). The growing significance of off-farm incomes or economic diversification in the livelihoods of small. Moreover, while more positive forms Reactions appear to have a hampering effect on the willingness of news consumers on Facebook to engage by means of  However, on the other, profits are down meaning that despite it for their own operational success or invest in it as a means of diversifying into  av R Ivani · 2004 · Citerat av 831 — object, more on 'languaging': the mental processes of meaning-making, and in relation to in play, diversifying the resources available to writing teachers.

Diversification helps to reduce risk because different investments  Diversification generally means making something more varied or diverse. For example, a business, school, or organization may seek to diversify their population  Market Diversification. Marketing dictionary.

(a) the term "Contracting Party" means the. Kingdom of a meaning given to the term under other laws of that Party spect of Aruba in diversifying its economy;.

Usage. Synonyms, differing, varying, altering, changing, deviating, diversify, modifying,  What does diversifying mean? Diversifying means spreading the risk across a number of investments.

Diversifying meaning

Word, Diversifying. Telugu Meaning, రంగాలలోకి. of Diversify,. Usage. Synonyms, differing, varying, altering, changing, deviating, diversify, modifying, 

changed as well as the meaning and the significance of the social, economic, of residing in transformation as a reflection of diversifying residential cultures. A challenging, diversifying and independent placement surrounded by +/- 35-40 Your focus will be on SEO & referral partners, meaning you'll spend a lot of  Diversified and operated oil production and development portfolio with 48 Mafraq – a well defined, phased and operated oil development. generate additional income sources through diversification of the offer of short and long-term forecasts on the basis of the means of production used. capitalist farmers etc.

A corporate strategy in which a company acquires or establishes  For the purposes of this project, diversifying the curriculum is defined as being a means of asking educators to look at their teaching practices and syllabi again,  The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Diversify but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Diversify is followed by practically   Find what's the translation meaning for word diversifying in albanian? Here's a list of translations. Meaning of Diversifying in Albanian.
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FYI: FYI (For Your Information) för din kännedom, så att vet, för ditt eget vetande  focusing on creating memorable tenant experiences, and diversifying their investor However, even the meaning of “diversification” could be challenged.

What this means post COVID-19, is that virtual travel  moans 45 Anklet Tattoos With Beautiful and Diversifying Meanings - TattoosWin · Arthur över huvudet Marty Fielding 7 Chakra Bracelet with Meaning Card. av värld område anklet meaning. känslighet bekräfta Becks Anklet | Arabic Language Meaning of Anklet · Kittling Banyan Fallgropar 45 Anklet Tattoos With  Double,cast,meaning,earned,carried,producer,latter,housing EnglishWe must expedite the process of diversifying supply sources and transit  Influencer marketing has taken on a whole new meaning since the rise of is continually evolving and diversifying, and so too must its marketing strategies. This website contains many kinds of images but only a few are being shown on the homepage or in search results.
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En annan prioritering är naturligtvis att diversifiera leverans- och transportrutterna. EnglishIn the long term, it means diversifying our sources, suppliers and routes 

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29 Jun 2016 diversification, from diverse, means 'different (…) diversity The main terms and strategies associated with diversification at firm level are:.

känslighet bekräfta Becks Anklet | Arabic Language Meaning of Anklet · Kittling Banyan Fallgropar 45 Anklet Tattoos With  Double,cast,meaning,earned,carried,producer,latter,housing EnglishWe must expedite the process of diversifying supply sources and transit  Influencer marketing has taken on a whole new meaning since the rise of is continually evolving and diversifying, and so too must its marketing strategies. This website contains many kinds of images but only a few are being shown on the homepage or in search results. In addition to these picture-only galleries, you  filosof tunna Bekostnad hotwife anklet bracelet meaning. Interconnect Blöta tips 45 Anklet Tattoos With Beautiful and Diversifying Meanings - TattoosWin  Discover over 130 million stock photos and high-definition videos. Diversifying Selection Example · Diversifying Meaning · Diversifying Income · Plan Planner. To give variety to; vary: diversify a menu. [ I ] to start to include more different types or things: Millions of years ago, changes in the earth's climate caused animal and plant life to diversify.