Triadenum species Triadenum virginicum Name Synonyms Androsaemum emarginatum (Lam.) K.Koch Elodea campanulata Pursh Elodea canadensis Fraser Elodea canadensis Fraser ex Spach Elodea drumondii Spach Elodea emarginata Steud. Elodea pauciflora Spach
selfCorr: 0.161415180479 MAE: 13.5723129024 Obs: 199 Species: Triadenum virginicum selfCorr: 0.246752285676 MAE: 14.2427083672 image, phylogeny, nomenclature for Hypericum virginicum. Privacy policy · About Wikispecies · Disclaimers · Terms of Use · Desktop · Developers · Statistics · Cookie statement. Redirected from "Triadenum tubulosum" Hypericum virginicum Marsh St. John's Wort, with its pink flowers, distinguishes itself from the other St. John's Worts Also referred to as Triadenum virginicum. Hypericum virginicum var. fraseri · Sarothra drummondii · Sarothra gentianoides · Triadenum fraseri · Triadenum virginicum · Triadenum virginicum var. fraseri.
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Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. – Virginia marsh St. Johnswort Subordinate Taxa. This plant has no children Legal Status. Threatened and Endangered Herbs erect, 2–7 dm, sometimes with ascending branches distally.Stems: internodes 4-lined or 4-angled at first, then terete.Leaves sessile, sometimes amplexicaul; blade usually ovate or triangular-ovate to elliptic or oblong, rarely oblanceolate, 20–65 × 10–22(–30) mm, base shallowly cordate, apex usually rounded, rarely obtuse to retuse, gland dots laminar (relatively dense, large Triadenum virginicum – Marsh St. John’s-wort Fam. Hypericaceae Native range: NE North America (US and Canada). Growing conditions: full sun, moist sandy shores, bogs, sedgy meadows Height: 25-30 cm… Triadenum species Triadenum virginicum Name Synonyms Androsaemum emarginatum (Lam.) K.Koch Elodea campanulata Pursh Elodea canadensis Fraser Elodea canadensis Fraser ex Spach Elodea drumondii Spach Elodea emarginata Steud.
Leaf: Opposite Plant Observed 3rd week of June thru 2nd week of Triadenum virginicum, the marsh St. Johns-wort or Virginia marsh St. Johnswort, is a species of flowering plant in the family Hypericaceae. It is native to the Jul 28, 2012 In North America, Marsh St Johns wort (Triadenum virginicum), pictured below, is not a Hypericum and is not even yellow so I'm not sure how it Sep 4, 2015 Triadenum virginicum September arrived in Blacksburg this week on the heels of cold front.
Triadenum virginicum Taxonomy ID: 198791 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid198791) current name
Also referred to as Triadenum virginicum. Range Map. Hypericum virginicum L. (Triadenum virginicum). Marsh St. Johnswort Hypericaceae — St. Johnswort family. Native.
Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. – Virginia marsh St. Johnswort. Subordinate Taxa. This plant has no children. Legal Status. Threatened and Endangered Information: This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Common names are from state and federal lists. Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant
Privacy policy · About Wikispecies · Disclaimers · Terms of Use · Desktop · Developers · Statistics · Cookie statement. Redirected from "Triadenum tubulosum" Hypericum virginicum Marsh St. John's Wort, with its pink flowers, distinguishes itself from the other St. John's Worts Also referred to as Triadenum virginicum. Hypericum virginicum var. fraseri · Sarothra drummondii · Sarothra gentianoides · Triadenum fraseri · Triadenum virginicum · Triadenum virginicum var. fraseri. Aureolaria virginica +. parietal +.
John's-wort is found in swamps, wetland edges and shores.
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New England Distribution and Conservation Status. Exact status definitions can vary from state to state. Triadenum virginicum is occasionally found growing in bogs and swamps from the northern counties of Florida south to the central peninsula.
Threatened and Endangered
Herbs erect, 2–7 dm, sometimes with ascending branches distally.Stems: internodes 4-lined or 4-angled at first, then terete.Leaves sessile, sometimes amplexicaul; blade usually ovate or triangular-ovate to elliptic or oblong, rarely oblanceolate, 20–65 × 10–22(–30) mm, base shallowly cordate, apex usually rounded, rarely obtuse to retuse, gland dots laminar (relatively dense, large
Triadenum virginicum – Marsh St. John’s-wort Fam. Hypericaceae Native range: NE North America (US and Canada). Growing conditions: full sun, moist sandy shores, bogs, sedgy meadows Height: 25-30 cm…
Triadenum species Triadenum virginicum Name Synonyms Androsaemum emarginatum (Lam.) K.Koch Elodea campanulata Pursh Elodea canadensis Fraser Elodea canadensis Fraser ex Spach Elodea drumondii Spach Elodea emarginata Steud. Elodea pauciflora Spach
Triadenum virginicum.
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Etymology: Triadenum: Greek for "three glands" Plants: erect, perennial, 12"-24" tall forb Leaves: oblong, 2-3 times as long as wide, rounded at the tip, stalkless, dark-dotted below with translucent glands Flowers: pinkish, 5-parted, 2/3"-3/4" wide, sepals elliptical or oblong; inflorescence a branched, terminal cluster (cyme); blooms July-Aug. Fruits: oval to cylindrical, 3 chambered
The Linaceae family contains the flaxes (Linum). There are five Hypericum virginicum Marsh St. John's Wort | Prairie Moon Triadenum virginicum | Illinois Botanizer. Triadenum virginicum. Rob Routledge.
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Triadenum virginicum is occasionally found growing in bogs and swamps from the northern counties of Florida south to the central peninsula. It blooms in the summer (Wunderlin, 2003).
The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Fl. Tellur. 3: 79 1837. University of Michigan Herbarium | 3600 Varsity Drive | Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2228 | |phone 734.615.6200 | fax 734.998.0038 | 3600 The Plants Database includes the following 4 species of Triadenum . Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. Triadenum fraseri.