Charging of heavy goods vehicles: Eurovignette Directive Most EU countries charge hauliers for using their transport infrastructure, notably roads. The EU has introduced the Eurovignette with the aim of recovering construction, maintenance, repair and environmental costs, ensuring fair competition and preventing discrimination.
The so-called “Eurovignette” directive, a revision of the 1999 directive (1999/62/EC), is supposed to be the part of this pricing system that relates to charging heavy goods vehicles for use of Europe’s road infra-structure. It is therefore vital that it is based on sound economics, or the problems created and experi-
11-03-2021. The Commission adopted a legislative proposal for a directive amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the Revision of the 'Eurovignette' directive. 26-09-2017. The IA contains a wealth of information, data and research, both internal and external, but some parts of the Collection Eurovignette Directive.
EnglishMay I therefore ask when the Commission intends to revise the Eurovignette Directive? (révision de la directive 1999/62/CE5 sur l'eurovignette) contiennent déjà de nouvelles dispositions destinées à assurer la convergence entre les principes de 8.35 - Udnævnelse af et medlem af Revisionsretten (SV). (afstemning) . 15 - Nouvelle directive sur le contenu audiovisuel..99. 16 - Ordre du jour: voir environment the EU will probably adopt a framework directive in beslut om fortsatt arbete och eventuell revision av tungmetallprotokollet tas hösten Eurovignette-direktivet öppnar i praktiken möjligheten för Sverige att fatta Cet automne, la Commission présentera une proposition législative pour la révision de la directive Eurovignette 2006/38. Under hösten kommer kommissionen Eurovignette-direktivet Kombitransportdirektivet (Combined Transport Directive) Revision of the Eurovignette Directive (1999/62/EC). the Energy Taxation Directive, in order to allow gradual introduction of of the relevant motor fuel taxation and the Eurovignette directive at EU level.
The Commission adopted a legislative proposal for a directive amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures (known as the Eurovignette Directive) in May 2017.
The proposal for the revision of the Eurovignette Directive allows member states to introduce additional charges for road users. However, it does not introduce mandatory measures to compensate road users by means of a reduction in vehicle taxes for the increased costs …
Martin Daum, Chairman of the ACEA Commercial Vehicle Board and CEO of Daimler Truck AG, wrote a letter to the co-legislators involved in the EU trialogue negotiations for the revision of the Eurovignette Directive, urging them to reach an agreement on this important file under the current Portuguese EU Presidency. The new European framework law, which is a revision of the "Eurovignette" directive of 1999, aims at reducing pollution from road freight transport and making traffic flow smoother by levying tolls that factor in the cost of air and noise pollution due to traffic (so-called external costs) and help avoid road congestion. Expanding the EU’s Eurovignette directive to cover pollution, noise and congestion would not disadvantage peripheral member states and would bring net benefits of at least €2.3 billion a year.
the European Commission’s proposal for a revision of the “Eurovignette directive” it is essential to remember that the current directive became obsolete the very moment it was born. The directive did not reflect the conclusions and recommendations of the Commission’s 1998 White Paper “Fair Payment for Infrastructure Use”
2021-03-12 · Source: European Parliament. Revision of the Eurovignette Directive. 11-03-2021.
Read the full report here. Le travail législatif autour du premier paquet mobilité progresse, avec l’adoption par le Parlement européen, le 25 octobre dernier, du rapport de Christine Revault d’Allonnes-Bonnefoy (S&D, Île de France et Français de l’étranger) pour la révision de la directive concernant les redevances d’utilisation des infrastructures routières, dite "directive Eurovignette". La Commission européenne a informé les Régions membres de la CRPM sur la première partie du nouveau paquet mobilité de l’UE, conçu pour moderniser la mobilité et les transports européens. Peter Szatmari, Policy Officer à la DG Move, a présenté le projet lors
Traduções em contexto de "Eurovignette Directive" en inglês-português da Reverso Context : The Commission proposal to amend the Eurovignette Directive provides for specific measures in particularly sensitive areas. L'Union Européenne révise en ce moment sa réglementation en matière de tarification routière avec une révision de la directive Eurovignette. Les ambassadeurs des États membres se sont mis d'accord sur un mandat de négociation pour la réforme, qui comprendra un nouveau système faisant varier les redevances pour les véhicules utilitaires lourds en fonction des émissions de CO2.
1 Sep 2020 After a long stand-still in the revision process of the Eurovignette Directive, discussions have picked up again in the European Council since
Ahead of expected long negotiation on Eurovignette revision, the Platform presents Platform comments the EU Renewable Energy Directive in light of the EU
3 Dec 2019 FIA Region I understands this result as the Eurovignette revision of the Directive, the proposal fails to respect the principle of subsidiarity and
In the imminence of the publication of a proposal for a revision of the Eurovignette Directive, CLECAT restates the key points of the European forwarding and
The European Parliament has today approved the revision of the Eurovignette Directive by a large majority. El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado hoy la revisión
Road charging / Revising the Eurovignette Directive.
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Transport Ministers reject the proposal of revision of the Eurovignette Directive. On 2 December 2019, EU Member States failed to reach a general approach on the proposal to revise EU road charging rules (Eurovignette directive).
Welcome to CER. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) brings together close to 70 railway undertakings, their national associations as well as infrastructure managers and vehicle leasing companies. warning Request revision (DE) Mr President, I have two comments to make on the so-called Eurovignette. French Cet French Nous pouvions nous attendre à ce que la directive «Eurovignette» soit beaucoup plus ambitieuse. more_vert.
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12 Dec 2017 The Commission adopted a legislative proposal for a directive amending Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the
Les ambassadeurs des États membres se sont mis d'accord sur un mandat de négociation pour la réforme, qui comprendra un nouveau système faisant varier les redevances pour les véhicules utilitaires lourds en fonction des émissions de CO2. 1 Sep 2020 After a long stand-still in the revision process of the Eurovignette Directive, discussions have picked up again in the European Council since Ahead of expected long negotiation on Eurovignette revision, the Platform presents Platform comments the EU Renewable Energy Directive in light of the EU 3 Dec 2019 FIA Region I understands this result as the Eurovignette revision of the Directive, the proposal fails to respect the principle of subsidiarity and In the imminence of the publication of a proposal for a revision of the Eurovignette Directive, CLECAT restates the key points of the European forwarding and The European Parliament has today approved the revision of the Eurovignette Directive by a large majority. El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado hoy la revisión Road charging / Revising the Eurovignette Directive. CER supports fair competition in the single European transport area, also between transport modes . Facts.
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The “Eurovignette” Directive provides a detailed legal framework for charging heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) for the use of certain roads. Following ex-post evaluations of the current legislative framework, the Commission intends to assess the potential impacts of options for a possible revision …
revision of the Eurovignette Directive on 31 May 2017.