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Chef CV Template (A4) This Chef CV Template (A4) is great for all potential employees who are trying to market their skills as cooks, chefs or restaurant supervisors. This A4 free printable can be used for pubs, bars, cafes, diners and restaurants. (This CV is for A4-sized paper. It is also available formatted for letter-sized paper here .)

08/2016 - 12/2017, Assistant Chef, Le Baratin, Paris, France. Assisted Corporate Chef with creating specials and seasonal menu's. Conducted a morning and night pre-shift meetings to inform staff about daily specials, reservations, and other valuable information needed. Chef CV Template (A4) This Chef CV Template (A4) is great for all potential employees who are trying to market their skills as cooks, chefs or restaurant supervisors. This A4 free printable can be used for pubs, bars, cafes, diners and restaurants. (This CV is for A4-sized paper. It is also available formatted for letter-sized paper here .) Senior Executive Chef Resume.

A chef is at the heart of a restaurant, preparing meals, developing new dishes and menus, and guiding the overall direction of the kitchen. Chefs must also manage and mentor subordinates, and collaborate with restaurant marketing and sales teams to keep up with food trends and chef CV template download Author: www.dayjob.com Subject: A well written CV example for a chef.
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